

From JavaScript we can execute actions via XHR POST operations. Here’s an example action and script for some basic math:

// in myplugin/actions/do_math.php

if (!elgg_is_xhr()) {
    register_error('Sorry, Ajax only!');

$arg1 = (int)get_input('arg1');
$arg2 = (int)get_input('arg2');

system_message('We did it!');

echo json_encode([
    'sum' => $arg1 + $arg2,
    'product' => $arg1 * $arg2,
elgg.action('do_math', {
  data: {
    arg1: 1,
    arg2: 2
  success: function (wrapper) {
    if (wrapper.output) {
    } else {
      // the system prevented the action from running

Basically what happens here:

  1. CSRF tokens are added to the data.
  2. The data is posted via XHR to http://localhost/elgg/action/example/add.
  3. The action makes sure this is an XHR request, and returns a JSON string.
  4. Once the action completes, Elgg builds a JSON response wrapper containing the echoed output.
  5. Client-side Elgg extracts and displays the system message “We did it!” from the wrapper.
  6. The success function receives the full wrapper object and validates the output key.
  7. The browser alerts “3” then “2”.

elgg.action notes

  • It’s best to echo a non-empty string, as this is easy to validate in the success function. If the action was not allowed to run for some reason, wrapper.output will be an empty string.
  • You may want to use the elgg/spinner module.
  • Elgg does not use wrapper.status for anything, but a call to register_error() causes it to be set to -1.
  • If the action echoes a non-JSON string, wrapper.output will contain that string.
  • elgg.action is based on jQuery.ajax and returns a jqXHR object (like a Promise), if you should want to use it.
  • After the PHP action completes, other plugins can alter the wrapper via the plugin hook 'output', 'ajax', which filters the wrapper as an array (not a JSON string).
  • A forward() call forces the action to be processed and output immediately, with the wrapper.forward_url value set to the normalized location given.
  • To make sure Ajax actions can only be executed via XHR, check elgg_is_xhr() first.

The action JSON response wrapper

  current_url: {String} "http://example.org/action/example/math", // not very useful
  forward_url: {String} "http://example.org/foo", ...if forward('foo') was called
  output: {String|Object} from echo in action
  status: {Number} 0 = success. -1 = an error was registered.
  system_messages: {Object}


It’s probably best to rely only on the output key, and validate it in case the PHP action could not run for some reason, e.g. the user was logged out or a CSRF attack did not provide tokens.

Fetching Views

A plugin can use a view script to handle XHR GET requests. Here’s a simple example of a view that returns a link to an object given by its GUID:

// in myplugin_init()
// in myplugin/views/default/myplugin/get_link.php

if (empty($vars['entity']) || !$vars['entity'] instanceof ElggObject) {

$object = $vars['entity'];
/* @var ElggObject $object */

echo elgg_view('output/url', [
    'text' => $object->getDisplayName(),
    'href' => $object->getUrl(),
    'is_trusted' => true,
elgg.get('ajax/view/myplugin/get_link', {
  data: {
    guid: 123 // querystring
  success: function (output) {

The Ajax view system works significantly differently than the action system.

  • There are no access controls based on session status.
  • Non-XHR requests are automatically rejected.
  • GET vars are injected into $vars in the view.
  • If the request contains $_GET['guid'], the system sets $vars['entity'] to the corresponding entity or false if it can’t be loaded.
  • There’s no “wrapper” object placed around the view output.
  • System messages/errors shouldn’t be used, as they don’t display until the user loads another page.
  • Depending on the view’s suffix (.js, .html, .css, etc.), a corresponding Content-Type header is added.


Unlike views rendered server-side, Ajax views must treat $vars as completely untrusted user data.

Returning JSON from a view

If the view outputs encoded JSON, you must use elgg.getJSON to fetch it (or use some other method to set jQuery’s ajax option dataType to json). Your success function will be passed the decoded Object.

Here’s an example of fetching a view that returns a JSON-encoded array of times:

elgg.getJSON('ajax/view/myplugin/get_times', {
  success: function (data) {
    alert('The time is ' + data.friendly_time);

Fetching Forms

If you register a form view (name starting with forms/), you can fetch it pre-rendered with elgg_view_form(). Simply use ajax/form/<action> (instead of ajax/view/<view_name>):

// in myplugin_init()
   elgg.get('ajax/form/myplugin/add, {
     success: function (output) {

* The GET params will be passed as ``$vars`` to *your* view, **not** the ``input/form`` view.
* If you need to set ``$vars`` in the ``input/form`` view, you'll need to use the ``("view_vars", "input/form")``
  plugin hook (this can't be done client-side).


Unlike views rendered server-side, Ajax views must treat $vars as completely untrusted user data. Review the use of $vars in an existing form before registering it for Ajax fetching.

Ajax helper functions

These functions extend jQuery’s native Ajax features.

elgg.get() is a wrapper for jQuery’s $.ajax(), but forces GET and does URL normalization.

// normalizes the url to the current <site_url>/activity
elgg.get('/activity', {
   success: function(resultText, success, xhr) {

elgg.post() is a wrapper for jQuery’s $.ajax(), but forces POST and does URL normalization.