
Pluggable Authentication Modules

Elgg has support for pluggable authentication modules (PAM), which enables you to write your own authentication handlers. Whenever a request needs to get authenticated the system will call elgg_authenticate() which probes the registered PAM handlers until one returns success.

The preferred approach is to create a separate Elgg plugin which will have one simple task: to process an authentication request. This involves setting up an authentication handler in the plugin’s start.php file, and to register it with the PAM module so it will get processed whenever the system needs to authenticate a request.

The authentication handler is a function and takes a single parameter. Registering the handler is being done by register_pam_handler() which takes the name of the authentication handler, the importance and the policy as parameters. It is advised to register the handler in the plugin’s init function, for example:

function your_plugin_init() {
   // Register the authentication handler

function your_plugin_auth_handler($credentials) {
   // do things ...

// Add the plugin's init function to the system's init event
elgg_register_elgg_event_handler('init', 'system', 'your_plugin_init');


By default an authentication module is registered with an importance of sufficient.

In a list of authentication modules; if any one marked sufficient returns true, pam_authenticate() will also return true. The exception to this is when an authentication module is registered with an importance of required. All required modules must return true for pam_authenticate() to return true, regardless of whether all sufficient modules return true.

Passed credentials

The format of the credentials passed to the handler can vary, depending on the originating request. For example, a regular login via the login form will create a named array, with the keys username and password. If a request was made for example via XML-RPC then the credentials will be set in the HTTP header, so in this case nothing will get passed to the authentication handler and the handler will need to perform steps on its own to authenticate the request.

Return value

The authentication handle should return a boolean, indicating if the request could be authenticated or not. One caveat is that in case of a regular user login where credentials are available as username and password the user will get logged in. In case of the XML-RPC example the authentication handler will need to perform this step itself since the rest of the system will not have any idea of either possible formats of credentials passed nor its contents. Logging in a user is quite simple and is being done by login(), which expects an ElggUser object.