List of plugin hooks in core

System hooks

index, system

email, system

page_owner, system

siteid, system

gc, system

unit_test, system

diagnostics:report, system

search_types, get_types

cron, <period>

validate, input

geocode, location

diagnostics:report, all

debug, log

format, friendly:title

format, friendly:time

format, strip_tags

output:before, page
In elgg_view_page(), this filters $vars before it’s passed to the page shell view (page/*). To stop sending the X-Frame-Options header, unregister the handler _elgg_views_send_header_x_frame_options() from this hook.
output, page
In elgg_view_page(), this filters the output return value

register, menu:<menu_name>

prepare, menu:<menu_name>

add, river

User hooks

usersettings:save, user

unvalidated_login_attempt, user

unvalidated_requestnewpassword, user

access:collections:write, user

registeruser:validate:username, all

registeruser:validate:password, all

registeruser:validate:email, all

session:get, <key>

register, user

login:forward, user
Filters the URL to which the user will be forwarded after login

Object hooks

comments, <entity_type>

comments:count, <entity_type>

likes:count, <entity_type>

Action hooks

action, <action>

action_gatekeeper:permissions:check, all

forward, <reason>

Permission hooks

container_permissions_check, <entity_type>

permissions_check, <entity_type>

permissions_check, widget_layout

permissions_check:metadata, <entity_type>

permissions_check:comment, <entity_type>


fail, auth

session:get, <key>

api_key, use

access:collections:read, user

access:collections:write, user

access:collections:addcollection, collection

access:collections:deletecollection, collection

access:collections:add_user, collection

access:collections:remove_user, collection

get_sql, access
Filters the SQL clauses used in _elgg_get_access_where_sql()


view, <view_name>
Filters the returned content of views
layout, page
In elgg_view_layout(), filters the layout name
display, view
Deprecated in 1.8! Use view, (view) instead
shell, view
In elgg_view_page(), filters the page shell name
head, page
In elgg_view_page(), filters $vars[‘head’]


default, access
In get_default_access(), filters the return value

entity:icon:url, <entity_type>

file:icon:url, override

entity:annotate, <entity_type>

import, all

export, all

object:notifications, <object_subtype>

notify:entity:message, <entity_type> or is it <object_subtype>

plugin:usersetting, user

plugin:setting, plugin

profile:fields, group

profile:fields, profile

widget_settings, <widget_handler>

get_list, default_widgets

rest, init

public_pages, walled_garden

volatile, metadata

maintenance:allow, url
Allows whitelisting URLs to non-admins during maintenance mode



simple_type, file
In file_get_simple_type(), filters the return value


embed_get_items, <active_section>

embed_get_sections, all

embed_get_upload_sections, all


allowed_styles, htmlawed

config, htmlawed


members:list, <page_segment>
To handle the page /members/$page_segment, handle this hook and return the HTML of the list.
members:config, tabs
This hook is used to assemble an array of tabs to be passed to the navigation/tabs view for the members pages.

Twitter API

login, twitter_api

new_twitter_user, twitter_service

first_login, twitter_api

authorize, twitter_api

plugin_list, twitter_service

Reported Content

reportedcontent:add, system

reportedcontent:archive, system

reportedcontent:delete, system

reportedcontent:add, <entity_type>

reportedcontent:archive, <entity_type>

reportedcontent:delete, <entity_type>